This year’s club AGM will be held once again at the Ipswich and District Indoor Bowling Club on Wednesday 25th, starting at 7:30pm.
The club is situated on Rushmere Road, coming from Colchester Road turn into Rushmere Road town bound. The club is situated a few yards up the road on the left just before the red post box. Coming from the town, it’s situated just before the Colchester Road roundabout on the right hand side just past the red post box.
We will be in the David Cable suite.
It would be great to see most of you there. There will be a round up of the clubs activities in 2022 and the election of a new committee for 2023. There are a few posts that the Club needs your support and contribution to continue functioning. Simon Game is stepping down as Equipment Officer though anyone can volunteer for any of the committee positions as they all become vacant for the AGM.
All the committee posts are listed below:
-Diving Officer
-Training Officer
-Membership Secretary
-Equipment Officer
-Boat Officer
-Communications Officer
-Social Secretary
We have had some volunteers already but if you feel you are able to help support the club then please do make contact with Craig or any other committee member. Brief outlines of the roles can be found in the club documents section of this website here. Your support would be very much appreciated by the whole Club.
iDive Committee