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Up coming Beach BBQ

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Idive will be holding a summer beach BBQ on Sunday 25th August from 11.30am onwards on the river Deben at Bawdsey, (opposite Felixstowe foot ferry).

Parking available both at Felixstowe ferry cafe and at Bawdsey, if parking at Felixstowe side you either use the foot ferry or wait and be picked up by our own boat.

We will have one of the club Rhibs and a couple of jet skis to take people out for rides so bring suitable wet gear if you fancy a ride out.

Food will be provided (hot dogs and burgers) both normal and veggie but feel free to bring along anything else you would like cooked and of course your own drinks.

Family and friends are more than welcome to join us but we are asking for a small donation of £5 for everyone attending over 10 years old to help with costs.

Donations can be paid directly into the club account.

Please let me know if you will be coming and how many so I have an idea of how many to cater for.


Fingers crossed for good weather.


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